403-973-9708 info@healthynewyou.ca

Protein Cookie Dough Bites

Enjoy these quick protein snacks when you’re on the go! INGREDIENTS 1 scoop Isalean Pro French Vanilla 1 teaspoon honey 4 TBSP coconut flour 3 TBSP Oats 1 egg white 2 Dark or Milk Chocolate Isadelights chopped 1-2 TBSP of natural peanut butter Splash of Almond...

Carbs for Weight Loss

These Carbs Can Fill Your Stomach Without a Full Plate It’s not easy being a carbohydrate: Praised one month. Panned the next. As with many truths in health, wellness, and life, the facts about carbohydrates lie somewhere in the middle. But carbs are our body’s...