403-973-9708 info@healthynewyou.ca

Before Isagenix, I was often feeling tired and lazy. I was quite large and not fitting well in my clothes. My sleep was poor quality and often not enough. I had a hard time staying motivated and making healthy choices. I had tried many programs often losing and then gaining weight with nothing providing me with consistent results.

I was introduced to Isagenix with my wife by our cousin Vince who has been in fitness and nutrition for 15 years. He had recently closed his gym. Vince is a competitive bodybuilder who used to have to plan meals extensively for competition. I was open to trying the system as I needed to find something that was maintainable.

I have been on the products for over a year now and very rarely do I go a day without them!

As a result, I now have more energy than ever before, sleep better, my stress levels are under control and I recently ran my first 5k obstacle race! I have never been in as good shape as I am now!

I believe everyone deserve a body and opportunity that allows them to do everything they want to do. My mission is to help free people from physical and financial pain through the use of our incredible systems and opportunity.

More About Mike

  • LIves in Calgary, Alberta
  • Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Age 41
  • Completed 3 Isabody Challenges – Total Weight Loss over 27 pounds**

Mike’s Favourite’s

** Weight loss should not be considered typical. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix system. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet.